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Clipboard Action 1 3 0

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Clipboards.com specializes in custom clipboards, clipboard notepads, folding clipboards, medical clipboards, pen clips, clipboard labels. We sell all clipboard products and clipboard accessories retail, bulk, and wholesale. Clear clipboard resists cracking and shattering. From basic office supplies, such as printer paper and labels, to office equipment, like file cabinets and stylish office furniture, Office Depot and OfficeMax have the office products you need to get the job done.Maintain a well-stocked office breakroom.Save on printer ink and toner to keep your office efficient and productive. If you are using some VNC program (RealVNC) and your application use Clipboard from System.Windows.Forms.dll on main thread 'The requested clipboard operation failed' will occur. This is my solution written in C# for.NET 3.5. Fixed problems with Google signin Fixed bug on settings screen with Android 7.0.

Last Updated on October 30, 2017 by

Clipboard Action 1.3.0

Clipboard Action 1 3 0
Developer: Jan Valta


Clipboard Action is smart clipboard history manager, which allows execute actions with every content in the clipboard history. Define your custom actions using AppleScript or Automator Workflow or use a default application actions.

Key features:
• View Modes – List and detail view mode.
• Native Mac Interface – Execute action or delete content by swipe gesture.
• Browsing Clipboard History – By swipe gesture, navigation buttons or keyboard shortcuts.
• Default Application Actions – Open, Save to File and Search with Google.
• Custom Actions – User defined actions using AppleScript or Automator Workflow.
• Folders – Organize your content to Folders.
• Search and Filter Content – text search and filter by content type or by aplication from which was content copied.
• Content Selection – There is no need to work with the whole content, just select a part of text and work with them.
• Content Sharing – Share clipboard content with your friends.
• Drag and Drop – Drag and drop content to any application.
• Global Shortcuts – Show application from anywhere, Execute selected action with actual clipboard content.
• Global System Service – Execute action with selected text from anywhere.
• Shortcuts – Execute actions by shortcut Cmd + 1 . Cmd + 10.
• Mode without Dock Icon – Show application window on active screen and active space.
• Ignored Applications – Ignore the copied content from these applications.
• Touch Bar Support – Navigation in the clipboard history and execute actions.
• Launch Application at Login.

Clipboard Action 1 3 0 1

Tutorial how use this application you can see on following website: http://clipboard-action.mac-application.com/tutorial.html

What’s New in Version 1.3.0

Bug fixes and performance improvements.

Download Clipboard Action for macOS Free Cracked




The folder Basic Windows Operations contains the following Modules:

  • TBox Take Screenshot

  • TBox Clipboard

  • TBox Dialog

  • TBox Send Keys

  • TBox Window Operation

  • TBox Save as

TBox Take Screenshot


This Module creates and saves a screenshot of the currently active screen.

The Module TBox Take Screenshot contains the following attributes:




This attribute defines whether a screenshot is taken by the desktop or the mobile device. If you do not enter a value, the screenshot is taken by the desktop.

Possible values: empty, Desktop and Mobile


The path to the screenshot is specified under Directory. Defining this attribute is optional. If you do not specify a path, Tricentis Tosca uses the storage path defined in the Settings dialog (Screenshot directory).

The ActionMode Input is used here.


This attribute defines the screenshot name without an extension. Define the file format via the setting Screenshot image format.

In the following example, the screenshot Test01 is created and saved to the directory D:Screenshots.

The newly created screenshot is shown in the details view of the corresponding ExecutionEntry, in the Detail column.

Screenshot in the Detail column

TBox Clipboard

This Module enables you to copy a text to the Microsoft Windows® clipboard, to verify it or to write it to a buffer.

The Module TBox Clipboard contains the following attribute:




The value to be verified, buffered or copied to the clipboard. The ActionMode is set to Input, Verify or Buffer accordingly.

Once the test execution is finished, the specified value is available in the clipboard. It can then be copied into any input fields.

The example below copies the value Sample text to the clipboard in the first TestStep. In the second TestStep the value in the clipboard is verified.

TBox Dialog

You can use the Module TBox Dialog to steer a dialog window. This module enables you to steer Microsoft Windows® dialogs without scanning them. For steering customized dialogs you must scan them with Tosca XScan. For more information on scanning, see chapter 'Scan Modules'.

The Module TBox Dialog contains the following ModuleAttributes:




Caption of the dialog window you want to steer. This caption serves to identify the dialog window.

This ModuleAttribute is mandatory.


Enter the text of the dialog window’s first paragraph for further identification purposes. It is not necessary to enter the entire Label text.

This ModuleAttribute is optional.


Specifies the button to click in order to confirm the dialog window. Define the text of the button for steering.

This ModuleAttribute is mandatory.

The example below shows how to steer the dialog window Example: TBox Dialog with the specified OK button.

TBox Dialog example

TBox Send Keys

This Module sends keyboard commands to a window. The input is made on the respective control.

Any texts, special characters or key combinations using Ctrl, Alt and Shift can be used as values.

If you use special characters in your commands, you need to escape them. For more information, see chapter 'Special characters'.

The Module contains two ModuleAttributes:


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The caption of the window to be steered is entered under Caption. Tosca uses this caption to identify the window and to bring it to the foreground. Defining a caption is optional. The ActionMode Input is used.

You can specify either a leading or trailing wildcard along with the Caption value.


This attribute specifies the value to be used for steering. Use the ActionMode Input.

https://vmidhf.over-blog.com/2021/01/free-audio-monitoring-software.html. For available keyboard commands or how to specify key combinations, please refer to https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.sendkeys.aspx.

If you have CAPS LOCK activated on your machine, Tricentis Tosca sends the keys inverted.

For example, if you want to send Abc and have CAPS LOCK on, Tricentis Tosca sends aBC.

In the example below a value is sent to the text editor Example_Send_Key.txt along with several keyboard commands.

Key combination




This is an example text for Module TBox Send Keys

The value is written to the input field as a text.

Ctrl + A


This sends the command Select all to the window.



This sends the command Delete to the window.

Ctrl + S


This sends the command Save to the window.

Alt + F4


This sends the command Close window to the window.

Bookends 12 5 5 – reference management and bibliography software. The double quotation marks that enclose specific commands escape the special characters within the command.

TBox Window Operation

You can use the Module TBox Window Operation to send specific commands to a window. It contains the following ModuleAttributes:

Clipboard Action 1 3 0 3




Caption of the window to be steered. This caption serves to identify the window.

This ModuleAttribute is mandatory.


Command for steering the control.

This ModuleAttribute is mandatory.


This is a subattribute of Operation ModuleAttribute. It is mandatory to define if you perform the operation Resize.

Defines the required height of the window in pixel.

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This is a subattribute of Operation ModuleAttribute. It is mandatory to define if you perform the operation Resize.

Defines the required width of the window in pixel.

Window Index

If the specified caption applies to more than one window, for instance if you have used a wildcard, you can use Window Index. This ModuleAttribute specifies the window that Tricentis Tosca should apply the specified Operation to.

This ModuleAttribute is optional.

Tricentis Tosca supports the following commands:



Bring To Front

Brings the specified window to the front.


Closes the specified window.


Maximizes the specified window.


Minimizes the specified window.

Move to Center

Moves the specified window to the center of the screen.


Restores the specified window to its original size.


Resizes the window to the height and width specified in the ModuleAttributes Height and Width, respectively.

Verify Window Exists

Verifies if a specified window is open.

Wait On Close

The system waits for a specific period until a window is closed (see chapter 'Synchronization Timeout during WaitOn').

If you combine the operation Wait on Close with the ModuleAttribute Window Index, the behavior of the ModuleAttribute changes. In this case, Tricentis Tosca waits until the number of specified windows that you have open is lower than the value of Window Index.

Wait On Open

The system waits for a specific period until a window is opened (see chapter 'Synchronization Timeout during WaitOn').

If you combine the operation Wait on Open with the ModuleAttribute Window Index, the behavior of the ModuleAttribute changes. In this case, Tricentis Tosca waits until the number of specified windows that you have open is equal or higher than the value of Window Index.

This example shows how to close a window with the caption Test*.

TBox Window Operation example 1

Clipboard Action 1 3 00

In this example, you have more than one window open. The caption of all open windows starts with Test file. You want to close the second window.

TBox Save As

The Module TBox Save As steers the dialog window Save As.

Clipboard Action 1 3 0 X 2

The Module TBox Save As contains the following ModuleAttributes:




Tricentis Tosca identifies the dialog from the caption in the upper section of the screen (WindowText). You can enter any string for a caption.

Ensure that the dialog is open when the TestCase and the TestStep that opens the dialog are executed.

This ModuleAttribute is mandatory.


Specifies the name of the input field where you enter the directory path in the Save As dialog. You can enter any string.

Tosca Commander steers the label File name automatically. If your dialog contains a different label of the input field, you need to specify it. Otherwise Tosca Commander returns an error.

This ModuleAttribute is optional.


Specifies the path where the file should be saved. You can specify any directory available in the dialog.

This ModuleAttribute is mandatory.


Specifies the button to click on in the Save As dialog, for instance the Save button to save the file, or Cancel to close the dialog.

Tosca Commander steers the button Save or Cancel automatically. If your dialog contains a different button, you need to specify it. Otherwise Tosca Commander returns an error.

This ModuleAttribute is optional.


Allows you to steer modal dialog windows, for instance an overwrite window if the file already exists.

Only positive confirmations are possible.

You can enter any string to specify the caption of the confirmation pop-up.

Tosca Commander steers the buttons Ja, Yes and OK automatically. If your dialog contains a different confirmation button, you need to specify it in the ModuleAttribute ConfirmationPopupButton. Otherwise Tosca Commander returns an error.

This ModuleAttribute is optional.


Specifies the confirmation button in the dialog specified in the ModuleAttribute ConfirmationPopup. You can enter any string.

This ModuleAttribute is mandatory if the confirmation button is anything other than Ja, Yes or OK.

This example shows how to steer a TBox Save As dialog.

  • The Save as dialog should be identified.

  • The File name input field label should be steered.

  • The file ExampleFile.txt is saved to the path C:Temp.

  • The Save button should be clicked.

  • The modal dialog with Confirm Save As caption should be confirmed.

  • The modal dialog button Oui should be clicked for the confirmation of the modal dialog.

TBox Save As example

Tricentis Tosca Manual 12.1 © Tricentis GmbH

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